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Boneless Chicken Breast

Boneless Chicken Breast

1 pkg - 1-1.50lbs /Avg Wt.
$7.25 /lb.
Avg. 1 lb.

These boneless chicken breasts come from our pastured chickens straight to your table. Chicken breasts are the leanest cut of the chicken and are most people's favorite cut due to the diversity of cooking options. You can grill, saute, smoke, bake, skewer, boil them - you name it, just don't overcook them! Add them to your favorite chicken salad or as the main focus of your plate. You won't be disappointed in your choice of farm fresh, pastured chickens. 

Each package contains 2 boneless breasts.

Our chickens are raised outdoors in large mobile floorless chicken tractors where they are moved to fresh grass daily with free access to grain and water. These chickens are never fed any antibiotics or medicated feed. They are not processed with the standard chlorine bleach chemicals used on commercial chickens.