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Chicken Wings

Chicken Wings

1 pkg - 1.25lbs /Avg Wt.
Save $1.00 /lb.
$3.50 /lb.
$4.50 /lb.
Avg. 1.25 lb.

Chicken wings come on the bone and are also easy to cook. Our favorite way to cook these is to toss them in our favorite BBQ sauce and cook them on high heat for about 30-40 in the oven until crispy. There are 6 wings per package and these are jointed (meaning you get the full wing).

Our chickens are raised outdoors in large mobile floorless chicken tractors where they are moved to fresh grass daily with free access to grain and water. These chickens are never fed any antibiotics or medicated feed. They are not processed with the standard chlorine bleach chemicals used on commercial chickens.